秋的收获 秋的硕果

A 新阜东 ? 更阜平/河北阜平经济开发区 B 大空间 更有爱 C 新阜东/生态生长共阜平 D 中国的革命地 ? 世界的新阜东 勿忘昨天的苦难辉煌 无愧今天的使命担当 不负明天的伟大梦想 Do not forget that yesterday's misery is glorious today's mission to assume the great dream of tomorrow —— 中国国家主席/习近平 【黑场开幅起片】 【画面注释/语言可备用可删除】 中国?阜平 未来 梦想闪耀 从不凭空而来 The dream of the future shines never comes from nowhere 创新是引领发展的第一动力 Innovation is the first power to lead the development 是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑 is the strategic support of building modern economic system 不忘初心 砥砺奋进 Do not forget beginner's mind bettering endeavor 【主题配音词】(71字 ) 【画面注释/语言可备用可删除】 思想 是从我们诞生的那一刻起便赋予的力量 Thought is the power given from the moment we were born. 开发区大有希望 ——-邓小平题 1986 让我们坚守传统又勇于创新 Let's stick to tradition and be creative. 有一种力量 就在你我身边,驱动发展 让我们拥有驱动发展的力量 Let us have the power to drive development 人类命运共 赢共享,世界目光集聚中国 The human Destiny to win the share World Vision gathers China 新阜东 生态生长共阜平 山水传承 产业融合 连接 赋能 智慧小城 Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt mountains and rivers transmit claim the succession geographical distribution of industrial development connect give energy conversion intelligence younger city 【主题配音词】(2973字 ) 【补充画面注释/语言可备用可删除】 关键词和画面的变化 一个时代 有一个时代的标志,一代人 有一代人的征程 从广东深圳到上海浦东,从首都北京到“超级大国” 新时代下,在迈向中华民族伟大复兴的征程中 改革开放、一带一路、京津冀、雄安,乃至革命老区的河北阜平 中国前进的脚步也从未停歇 这是一个产业组团的集中区 This is a concentrated area of an industrial cluster. 这是一个创新先行的试验区 This is an innovative pilot zone. 这是一个现代城市的功能区 This is a functional area of a modern city 这是一个科学发展的示范区 This is a demonstration area of scientific development. 这是一个经济转型升级的先行区 This is a leading area of economic transformation and upgrading 这是一个阜平东部产城融合的引领区 This is a leading district in the eastern city of Fuping. 新阜东,一个前所未有、勃勃生机的新区正全景式地 展现在世人面前 Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt, an unprecedented, vibrant district is in full view of the world 2010年,河北阜平经济开发区成立 2010, Hebei Fuping Economic Development Zone was established. (电视旁白声音要模拟配音:河北阜平经济技术开发区成立,为推动构建“阜平城市发展命运共同体”树立典范) 2013年,被省政府批准纳入“省级开发区”序列 2013, was approved by the provincial government into the "Provincial Development zone" sequence 2015年,新阜东产业园区启动建设 2015, Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt started construction (电视旁白声音要模拟配音:今天上午9点58分,河北?新阜东产业园建设工地打进第一根定建桩 2018年,纳入《中国开发区审核公告目录》 2018, included in "China Development Zone Audit Bulletin List" 思想为我们的每一次被肯定,都注入了无穷的力量 Thought for every time we are affirmed, has injected the infinite power 中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平 CPC general secretary and President Xi Jinping 把革命老区的发展和人民生活改善,时刻放在心上 The development of the old revolutionary old Quarter and the improvement of people's life. 2012年12月亲临阜平,冒严寒踏积雪走访百姓,坐炕头唠家常共谋大计 December 2012 Visit Fuping Take the cold snow to visit the people, sit picket chatter home and conspiracy plans 为我们今天的努力注入了新的思想 has injected new ideas into our efforts today. 思想让我们启迪自己,更让我们不断启迪共同的成长 Thought let us enlighten ourselves, let us continue to inspire the growth of others 作为中国“模范根据地的模范县”,脚步所至,目光所及,都是故事 Exemplary county as China's "model base" The footsteps, the eyes, are the stories 这里是“中国北方第一个红色政权”和“第一个敌后抗日民主根据地”的建立地 This is the founding place of "the first red political power in north China" The establishment of the first anti-Japanese Democratic base behind enemy lines 古有“畿西屏障”和“冀晋咽喉要道”之称 Ancient "Western barrier" and "Ji Jin strategic passage between" said 还里还是“古御道”的必经之地 Still in the "Ancient Imperial Road" pass through 唐宋之后,康熙来过、乾隆来过,雍正、光绪都来过 After Tang and Song dynasties, Kang Xilai and Qianlong came, Yongzheng, Guangxu have come 乃至当年毛泽东主席 东渡黄河,也是从这里,一路向东 Even the Chairman Mao Zedong East crossing the Yellow River Also from here, all the way to the east 走向华北大平原、走向北京城 Toward the Great Plains of north China, toward the Beijing city 平静而又充满传奇色彩的阜平和阜平人民的获得感和幸福感,日益增强 Calm and legendary Fuping and Fuping People's sense of gain and happiness are growing “让老区人民过上好日子”,必须依靠加快发展 "Let the old people live a good life" Must rely on accelerating development “绿水青山就是金山银山”,“只要有信心,黄土变成金” "The Green Mountain is the Golden Hill" "As long as you have faith, Huangtu." 这是习近平总书记给有思想的“瞭望者”给出的行动方向 This is the direction that the General Secretary Xi Jinping gives to the thoughtful "lookout". 这也是第一次在这里向全国人民吹响了产业扶贫、民族振兴的时代号角 This is the first time here to the people of the country to blow the industrial poverty alleviation, the national revitalization of the Times horn 这更是一面镜子,映衬出革命老区的发展艰难,也记录着创新的突破 国务院、国家各部委、省委都高度重视并支持这里的发展 骏马奔腾气势宏,正如赤邑奋斗中 Horse galloping momentum, as the red 登高识得国风面,赤胆忠心根已生 Ascend to know the wind of the country, Fidelius Root has been born 阜平人民正在用勤劳、勇敢、智慧写着发展进步的“阜东新故事” Fuping people are using hard-working, brave, intelligent writing " RAE Story" 思想让我们启迪自己,更让我们不断启迪共同的成长 我们说,尊重是对自然的敬畏 We say that respect is the awe of nature 是对可持续发展的珍视,是一个生命向另一个生命的致敬 Respect is the value of sustainable development Respect is a tribute to another life. 我们一直 在行动中 思考?????? We've been thinking in action. 位居太行山腹地的 阜平,植被覆盖率80%以上,是保定最绿的地方 Fuping in the hinterland of Taihang Mountains,Over 80% vegetation coverage Fuping is the most green place in Baoding. 太行水乡,云海叠峰,天际墨绿,自然胜景雄奇豪迈、人文风情奇异多彩 The hometown of the water under the Taihang Mountains sea of clouds range upon range of mountains,horizon blackish green Natural Scenery Xiongqi Heroic,Strange and colorful cultural customs 阜平,本就有“兴旺昌盛、平安平顺”之意,又是“仁寿”的象征 Fuping county seat; county town, There is "prosperity and prosperity, peace and smooth" meaning It's another symbol of "Renshou." 被誉为“雄安的后花园”,深山老峪“香格里拉” Known as "The back garden of Hebei Xiong ' an new district" Deep Mountain Lao Yu Shangri-La 这里 是国家重点生态功能区和京津冀地区重要生态屏障 This is the national key eco-functional area.and This is an important ecological barrier in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 这里 还是华北生态环境最为优良的地区之一 It is also one of the best eco-environment areas in north China. 县委县政府牢固树立“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念 County government firmly set up Innovative, coordinated, green, open, shared "development concept 立足“六大战略定位”和县域经济支撑的“四位一体”的发展模式 Based on "six strategic positioning"and The development model of "four-in-one" supported by county economy 燕太片区区域发展与扶贫攻坚试点、 绿色安全农副产品生产加工供应基地、 中国北方知名旅游目的地、 科技引导型先进制造业基地、 华北地区重要物流节点、 京津冀都市圈生态发展示范区 产业 骨干企业 项目 园区 四位一体 统筹生产、生活、生态三大空间 Co-ordinate production, life and ecology in three major spaces 按照“一区多园,产城教融合”的思路发展“新阜东” In accordance with the "one district multi-park, production city teaching integration" thinking of the development of " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt" 在国家省市全力支持、科学论证、超前布局规划下 In the national provinces and cities full support, scientific proof, ahead of layout planning 共筑绿色、低碳、循环、可持续的发展方式 Build a green, low-carbon, cyclical, sustainable development approach 不断将规划设计与科研成果转化为支撑县域城乡发展的源动力 山水传承、生态引领、城景交融、产业融合、连接赋能 mountains and rivers transmit claim the succession ecological equilibrium crane one's neck to look into the distance town scenery be in perfect harmony geographical distribution of industrial development connect give energy conversion 招商引资产业集群组团发展,打造新阜平超级平台大“IP” 资源集约利用、企业(项目)集中布局,产业集群发展、功能集合构建 Resource intensive utilization, Enterprise (project) centralized layout, industrial cluster development, function set construction 成为县域承接京津冀产业转移的重要平台 Become an important platform for the county to undertake the transfer of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industry 为推动构建“阜平城市发展命运共同体”树立典范 这里集行政商务、文教科研、产业发展、医疗养生、安居休闲为一体的 This is a collection of executive business,culture and education scientific research industrial develop production and bring about prosperous econom medical and health work the essential elements of life Live and relax as a whole 宜居宜业更宜创的“新阜东智慧小城” Livable Yi industry more suitable to create the "New Fu Tung Smart Town" 是阜平县委县政府“十三五”规划重大打造的精品园区 Fuping County County Government "Thirteen-Five" planning a major building of the boutique park 由中国清华同衡设计院规划设计并提供定向服务等全方位技术解决方案 为“新阜东”产城一体化的空间不断融合拓展发挥了更多的可能 立生态之县,崛绿色之城,圆梦想福地 与自然共同生长 The county of the ecological state、The City of Green、interpret dream Blessed Land Grow together with nature 不是所有的开发区 都可以被称为是“新阜东” Not all development zones can be called " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt" 我们的建筑乃至一切更应该与自然共同生长 Our buildings and everything else should grow together with nature. “新阜东”,在2017年的现代汉语词典里,还找不到这个词 若干年后, 当人们回望历史,一定会更清晰地理解到 Many, many years later,When people look back on history FuPing Must be understood more clearly 这是阜平人给后代传承,确立的一个全新的历史坐标,意义重大,影响深远 This is the Fuping for posterity. Establish a new historical coordinate, connotation,social influence 新阜东产业园区 前期投资91.5亿元,规划21个项目 " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt", first-phase preparations invest 91.5 hundred million RMB,Plan 21 Projects 区域面积共16.64平方公里,建设用地12.65平方公里,工业用地5.1平方公里 Area of 16.64 square kilometers,Construction land 12.65 square kilometers, Industrial Land 5.1 km2 坚持生态优先、绿色发展,城市和产业用地 联动布局,并规划远期控制区 persist inmodes of life and relation to their environmenttake precedenc、 green develop production and bring about prosperous economy Linkage layout of urban and industrial land, and planning the Forward control area 依托“一心两带四片区”空间战略布局 Relying on the "two-piece four-zone" space strategy layout 实现多平台叠加优势,为未来发展 预留空间 Achieve multi-platform overlay benefits,Reserving space for future development “一心”是“新阜东中心湿地公园”,占地3500亩(233+万平方米) "One Heart" is "RAE Center Wetland Park", Covers an area of 3500 acres (233+ million square meters) “两带”是“两条滨河城市发展带”,与阜平城市发展主轴完美结合 "Two belts" is "two riverfront city development belt" Perfect combination with Fuping urban development spindle “四片区”,就是“新阜东产业园区”将着力打造的 "Four area", is "the new Fu East Industrial Park" will focus on creating “科技引领型先进装备制造区” "Technology-led advanced equipment manufacturing area" 重点发展汽车零部件制造、电子信息技术、智能制造等产业 Focus on the development of auto parts manufacturing, electronic information technology, intelligent manufacturing and other industries “绿色安全型农副产品加工区” "Green safe agriculture and sideline products processing zone" 重点发展保健品、绿色食品和健康饮品等产业项目 Focus on the development of health products, green food and health drinks and other industrial projects “大健康+(生物医药)医疗及文创区” "Big Health + (biomedical) medical and creative area" 重点吸纳大健康、高端医疗器械制造、信息文创等项目的产业 Focus on the major health, high-end medical device manufacturing, information and other projects of the industry 以及包括重点发展配套型的宜居养老、休闲旅游等“基础设施配套服务区” As well as "infrastructure supporting service area" including the key development supporting type of livable pension, leisure tourism, etc. 城景交融的山水格局、通山达水的绿意空间、产业融合的生态轴线 Landscape pattern blending with City view、Green space of Tongshan water Ecological axis of Industrial integration 新阜东以资源利用最大化、方便化、源头化、综合化和集成化为出发点和落脚点 " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt", Using maximization of resource utilization, convenience, source, synthesis and integration as the starting point and foothold 创一种生活方式,建一座智慧小城,立一个产业标杆 加快经济转型升级,重塑实体经济基础,夯实产业精准扶贫 Accelerating economic restructuring and upgrading Reshaping the physical economic base Consolidate industry precision poverty alleviation 思想让思考者的每一个印记 都驱动着我们 去创造未来的 生长力量 Thought makes every mark of a thinker is driving us to create the power of the future. 园区实现绿色设计、有机更新 Green design and Organic update for the park 正不断优化产业投资平台和人居环境,创建优质投资兴业和服务环境 Continuously optimizing the industrial investment platform and the Habitat environment Create Quality investment and service environment “三纵七横”、路宽为24米、14块工业用地 "Three longitudinal seven horizontal", The road width is 24 meters,14 Industrial Land 北高南低 并自南向北 逐渐延伸, (九通:信息通、市场通、法规通、资金通、配套通、物流通、人才通、技术通、服务通) 一平,面向21世纪的中国新经济平台 North Gao Nan Low and extending from south to north “九通一平”建设工程 "Nine-one Ping" infrastructure construction project 可实现入驻企业“即签约、即拿地、即开工建设” Can be realized in enterprises "That is, the contract, namely take land, start construction" 华北地区最大规模的地下管网系统,形成了循环生态链网 The largest underground pipe network system in North China、 Formed a circular ecological chain network 预留了5G高速宽带全覆盖,未来发展承载力逐步提升 Reserved for 5G high-speed broadband full coverage The future development carrying capacity gradually enhances 按照“三甲医院标准”规划建设的“中医院及医疗康复托老中心”,为您提供专业服务 According to the "three Nail Hospital standard" planning and construction “Central Hospital and Medical Rehabilitation Centre " To provide you with professional services 区域一流、完善发达的教育体系和专属的孵化基地 regional development first class service Perfecting the developed education system and Exclusive incubation base 可持续性地 保障企业人才供给、安居乐业和创业创新 Sustainable protection of talent supply in enterprises Business and entrepreneurship Innovation 绿色普惠精施策 一心两带四片区 产城卫教同发展 生态生长共阜平 Green Pu Hui Jing shi , One heart-Two-piece four-zone , The city of Health education co-hair, Total fuping of ecological growth 稳中求进的总基调明确了思想和方法(“新阜东,怎么干”) The overall tone for stabilityclear ideas and methods("RAE , how to do") 这里地处河北、山西两省四市九县的交汇处 ,距雄安新区145公里 It is located in the intersection of four cities and nine counties in Hebei and Shanxi provinces. 145 km from Xiong ' an new district 国道207、337、保阜高速公路、沧榆(太行山)高速,四通八达 the national road207,337, Baoding Fuping Expressway,Cang Yu (Taihang Mountain) Expressway,lead in all directions; accessible from all directions 是华北地区重要的物流节点,属于首都经济圈范围 is an important logistics node in North China, belongs to the capital Beijing Tianjin Hebei Economic Circle Scope 东距离天津295公里,西距离五台山78公里 南距石家庄96公里,北距离北京245公里 西阜高速2018年底通车,与园区内路,互连互通 Nishi-Fu Expressway to be opened at the end of 2018, and Park Inner Road,interconnectio “雄忻铁路”(天保忻铁路)尽在咫尺 并设“园区站点” "Xiong Xin Railway" (Tian Bao Xin Railway) in close proximity,and set up "campus site" 阜平通用机场距离园区仅2.5公里、十分钟车程,现已完成选址 Fuping General Airport is just 2.5 km from the RAE park,ten minute set the machine going; Site is now complete 机场作为城市的窗口,具有很深的城市烙印和行业特性 2021年,这里的“一横一纵一联”、“路铁空”立体化交通 2021 year,Here's the "one-cross-one","Road Iron Empty" three-dimensional traffic 将实现便捷、快速的“环京津一小时交通圈” Will achieve a convenient, fast ","Central Beijing-Tianjin one-hour traffic circle" 成为连接北京、天津、雄安新区等城市“东进西拓”的重要节点和纽带 Become a city connecting Beijing, Tianjin and Xiong ' an new district The important node and link of "eastward westward extension" 在历史纵贯线上的新阜东享区位之贵,得地势之利 On the history line " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt",Enjoy the location of the expensive,The benefit of the terrain 新阜东 为助力一区一城建设注入了强大动力 Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt In order to help the construction of one district to inject a strong power 这不仅成为城市经济发展的新动力 同时也越来越多地影响和改变着社会活动及空间结构 正伸展着经济的触角,开阔着发展的视野,缩短着与世界的距离 Is stretching the economic tentacles.,Broaden the horizons of development Shorten the distance to the world 思想让我们的每一次连接,都寄托于伟大的梦想 阜平人的远见 来自于敢为人先的勇气 Fuping's vision comes from the courage to be the first man. 来自于共同成长的决心 From the determination to grow together 更自来于我们不断坚守的新思想 More in the new ideas we keep 群山作为屏障,沙河为带,生态为心,产业为荣 mountains hills regard as protective screen; parclose sha rive regard as zone organism's habits regard as heart , rationalize the industrial make-up regard as luxurian 广袤大地上的自然馈赠, A natural gift on the vast Earth , 独特的投资优势 积聚新阜东 Unique investment advantages build up HeBei-RAE , 各项产业优惠政策 正在为您探索实施,先行先试,让您舒适与放心 Preferential policies for various industries are being explored for your implementation start off before the others start try,For your comfort and peace of mind 看这里,工业用地项目在提速,基础设施在提质,配套规模在完善 look here,Industrial land projects are accelerating,Infrastructure in the quality, Supporting scale in the perfect 看这里,产业组团在汇聚,产城融合在加快、社会事业保障能力在增强 look here,Industry groups are converging, The integration of production city is accelerating , Social Security Capacity Enhancement 看这里,小城在兴起,深化改革在提速,创业激情在飞扬 look here,The small city is rising, Deepening reform is accelerating , Entrepreneurial passion in the flying Vibrant and business opportunities in the city's green spaces 城市绿意空间里 尽显生机活力和满满商机 以科研基地、物流基地、创业基地等为产业配套、产业功能为一体 With scientific research base, logistics Base, entrepreneurial base and other industries supporting、Industry function as a whole 快速为您解决全新落地保障方案 和多种形式的服务需求 Fast solutions for your new floor plan and Multiple forms of service requirements 建立了一系列绿色通道快速审批机制等 全生命周期内的 助企扶企定制化服务 Set up a series of green channel quick approval mechanism, etc. The whole life cycle of the enterprise support enterprise customized services 始终坚持以诚招商、以优便商、以信安商、以强富商 from beginning to end persist in To prudential merchants , To the letter of business , to the strong businessmen Project Speed-up facilities to improve the quality of the industry convergence 立足核心优势,对接发展产业,凝聚合作共识,关注实际获得 22万阜平人民欢迎民资、外资、国资大项目、好项目积聚、落户“新阜东” 22 thousand FuPing the people welcome National capital, foreign capital and major projects good capital construction project gather settle “RAE” 努力,让我们的付出适合于您的需求 步履不停 try hard, Let us pay for your needs keep walking pace with the times 不断变革与发展的现代新阜东,时时赋予我们更新的角色 The modern " Hebei Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt", which is constantly changing and developing 时代竞合,连接赋能,步履不停 我们 为您的需求而连接,为您的改变而改变 We connect for your needs,Change for your change 致敬过往,实干今朝,开启未来 salute the past history,get right on the job today ,open future 我们相信,新阜东,“人心齐,泰山移”,“近者悦,远者来” we believe,RAE people heart make concerted efforts; be all of one min Mount Taishan move away People near are very happy, people who are far away like to come 我们相信,思想让我们无时不在、服务让我们无处不达、热情让我们无往不至 we believe,Thought keeps us there all the time, Service makes us nowhere to be reached,We have no way to go 必将焕发出真理力量和新时代的灿烂与辉煌 我们更相信,新阜东,这生态生长的“硒”有之地,红日初升,其道大光 we more believe,RAE,The land of the "selenium" of ecological growth The sun the first assurgent,The great light of its way 现在,你能看到的就是新阜东未来真实的样子 now,All you can see is the future of the RAE 但也不是,因为从诞生那一刻起,8年来,这里 看见的,每一天都在生长 But also no, Because from the moment of birth ,8 year, And every day I see it grows 所见之所得,但所得不止于所见 What you see, But the gains are more than what they see 我们将与思想者,创造新阜东 更多价值 We will be with the thinker, Create new East more value 与前瞻者,畅想更多财富的可能 We will be with the first surnamer, The possibility of imagining more wealth 与成就者,共同望见未来 共赢共享 We will be with the gigantic achievement people Together to win the future of shared 今天,我们开放的新阜东人愿与各国人民 携手共创美好新生活,共享高质量发展新成果 为革命老区阜平的未来注入新希望,增添新动力 新阜东 生态生长共阜平 山水传承 产业融合 连接 赋能 智慧小城 这里是中国河北“RAE” This is China Hebei " Renew Abundant East Industrial Parkt "新阜东 更“阜平” " RAE more representative" Fuping " 中国?阜平经济开发区 China ? Fuping Economic Development Zone 献给我们共同成长的岁月 For the years we grew together


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